With the reboot of Shaman King, the anime ended with its last episode. It was announced that Shaman King will be getting a sequel featuring Yoh’s and Anna’s son Hana Asakura. I was excited for the last episode, seeing Yoh defeating God Hao was amazing. The original was awesome but seeing the reboot made me just as excited.
I am definitely looking forward to the sequel. Shaman King has always been one of my favorites. I find it to be a classic and you can’t go wrong with it. I always enjoyed Yoh’s and Anna’s relationship. Anna was an empowering female character and her relationship with Yoh was unique.
I have read the sequel of the manga so I’m excited to see how the anime will turn out. To be honest I never expected Yoh to have a child with Anna. Yoh has always been a free spirit and I believed that after the Shaman King fight he would do just that. Which he still does after marrying and having a child with Anna.
What I am most excited about is Ren! I really want to see a grown-up Ren! He was my favorite character. I adored his tsundere personality. When I first learned that Ren got married and had a child with Iron Maiden Jeanne. I knew they would have an adorable child with Ren’s personality. Tao Men is a mini-me of Ren, he’s so cute and a great combination of the two.
I wonder what the sequel will have in store for Hana Asakura. I hope that we will be seeing the other main characters as adults too. I’m looking forward for the sequel!