Groovy Beanfest Floyd Leech

Floyd Leech SSR Beans Camo

I just completed the Groovy for Floyd in his Beans Camo. After reading his vignette and accessing the image card. My breath was taken away and my heart was beating so fast. I wanted to squeal like a fangirl looking at his smile. Floyd is my favorite character from the mobile game Disney Twisted Wonderland.

Floyd has a fresh and I like to do things my way attitude. Floyd’s personality is quirky, he also calls other people by pet names. I find that adorable that he calls the other characters by pet names. In the vignette story, Floyd calls Epel “guppy”. Which makes Epel upset. I also find that we see more of Epel’s personality during his interactions with Floyd.

Floyd’s card art for this festival shows his sincerity and heartthrob smile. Usually, Floyd always shows his teeth. Floyd’s sharp pointy teeth are a trademark in many of his art visuals. This card art with a sincere smile shows another side to him.

Disney Twisted Wonderland Card Status